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Friday, April 28, 2017

How to Manage Your Avon Money


Knowing how to manage money is a huge part of the success of an Avon representative. There are some that have failed at selling Avon not because they did not have clients but because they failed at managing their money. One thing i've learned over the years as an Avon representative is that success starts with a consistent system. Today I hope to share with others in direct sales what has helped me stay current with Avon so many years. 


I can never forget placing my first Avon order. I was so excited to learn that I earned a commission. The first thing I did was spend my Avon earnings. I was so happy that the last thing I thought about was reinvesting my earnings. It’s always rewarding to pay yourself first but if there is no money left over to reorder supplies, how will a representative earn more money? It took me only a couple of campaigns to realize that there are some people that wouldn’t mind purchasing products on the spot. Though Avon supplies are cost effective, putting away a few dollars just for supplies is necessary. If you are just Getting Started With Avon and feel as if your earnings are still pretty low,  in time you will see more money because your business will grow. So do everything you can to grow your business.

 Buying Products

I can never forget admiring the stock of other representatives that were in business much longer than myself. As I received new orders my business grew but I noticed that some that were very successful invested in stock. Are you a representative saying to yourself, I just can’t afford to purchase stock? I want to share how I purchased my stock. I could not afford to purchase a lot of stock either. I shopped around for Avon clearance items for resale from the Avon Outlet brochures and resold them at regular price. Today I still use the same principle. This works really well for representatives that are making gift baskets or  gift sets too.

Each campaign, I made it my business to purchase at least two or three extra products until I could do better. I did not push to resale those items. I relied upon growing my Avon business with the orders clients were placing as I grew my stock little by little. I was so excited when I had an entire Avon box full of products. Then after the second box, I started selling Avon at vendor events. Now if you are a representative that does not have stock please don’t let this stop you from doing those events. Take a lot of brochures, business cards, flyers and an email list to follow-up with potential clients. It makes me very happy to say that I don’t even know how many boxes I have today. So don’t let your financial situation stop you from building.

 Buying Supplies

As rule of thumb, only purchase supplies when you need them. Why purchase supplies that you do not need to use? If you have enough wait until you have almost used up what you have. Instead of purchasing stock you don’t need, try purchasing a few more products. 

Taking Deposits

The representative can take deposits at the time a client places an order. Remember to make sure you’ve collected the full amount before placing your order. This applies if you are a representative required to pay for your order up front. If you are not a representative required to pay for your order upfront, you can still take deposits. I usually collect 50% of orders over $20 and up. This has worked for me but maybe you are a representative that could think of another way to collect your deposit but either way, remember to give a receipt for the deposit and the final payment. Don’t forget to include the amount owed after the deposit. A huge piece of advice, NEVER give products to a person that does not pay for their order!!! If you haven’t collected money for an order, it still belongs to Avon. Eventually if you continue to practice this way of managing your business, you may get stuck with an order you did not place.

Collecting Money

When collecting client’s money, ALWAYS keep their money separate from yours. Some even find success in opening up a bank account solely for the purpose of handling their Avon business. There are even banks that offer free checking accounts if you’re a representative not interested in opening a business account.

As soon as you collect money for your orders, pay your Avon order. Never do this any other way because Avon will charge late fees that will take away from your Avon earnings.

I hope that the information here about managing your Avon money is helpful to you in your business. To receive more tips, subscribe to this blog.

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