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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

How I Just Got a Free Place to Sell my Products

We have not because we ask not! Are you a business owner or makeup marketer that would like more selling opportunites? Maybe the opportunities to sell at vendor events were there but were not in your budget. Today I want to share how in less than 5 minutes I got a place to sell my products absolutely free. 

I will be setting up a small space inside a beauty salon. Maybe you are wondering how I did this. This is the exact phone conversation. 

Hi there could I please speak with the owner or manager?
I want to ask you a question about something?
I sell Avon, jewelry, and fashion. I wanted to know if you ever allow people to come in and set up small spaces to sell. I would be willing to give you 10% of my earnings should purchases be made.

Instantly she goes yes sure come in on ANY Friday or Saturday. Whoop Whoop! It was just that easy! I am not saying that this would always be that easy but I've met the salon owner once before and she is super nice. 

She even stated that she needs a product for aging and mentioned that she used ANEW Clinical years ago. So not only do I have a new client but I also have a place to sell my products. I may even give her the product free. 

Never be afraid to JUST ASK because you never know what will happen.

I hope this will motivate you to make the most of your makeup business.

Thanks so much for visiting!

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