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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How to Safely Market Wellness Products Plus a List of Places & Ways to Market

I think that most of us are excited about our new line of wellness products. Now that we have this new amazing line, the question is how and where do we start marketing. I spent the morning giving this some thought. Sure we can all work on our health but who needs a health boost the most? The answer is those that have lowered immune and health issues. Where do we find these people and how do we safely market to those people? As a natural health consultant I know the importance of letting people know that they should always check with their doctor before taking anything especially if wellness products will be taken with prescription meds. I've even decided to use a disclaimer when marketing. The next best thing to do would be to print any marketing materials given to us from our company and any important fact information that may answer questions that potential clients may have. For example someone may want to know if the products are all natural. Someone else may want to know the ingredients that are in the products etc.....This is very important due to allergies. We should always check the marketing guidelines of the company and take advantage of free webinars. This will help us to understand the products better and help us learn how to successfully market.

Now that we have that out of the way, I want to share with representatives a list of places and ways that I thought would be helpful in marketing.

Nail Shops
Hair Salons
Doctor's Offices
Massage Parlors
Family & Friends
Host a Health Party
Do a Facebook Party
Find Natural & Holistic Doctors
Search for People That Use Natural Medicine
Build an Email List of Prospects
Use The Products Yourself
Pass Out Samples

To order samples, in the search area of the Avon Representative Log-In site, type in samples. (top right of the screen) The espira calm samples are available.

I hope that this helps you market your wellness products. Choose a few of the things from the list and start working on growing your business.

I hope this helps you >>>> sell Avon <<<<. Have a Great  Day!

Avon Leadership Representative Victoria Sheffield

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