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Thursday, February 1, 2018

How to Increase Sales Using the Social Media Center

Hello everyone I hope you all are doing well today. Yesterday after browsing my Avon website a bit I sort of played around with the social media center. I've used the center many times in the past but am always looking at ways to up my marketing game. I thought a lot about what i've been doing and asked myself what else could I do to increase sales.

Sharing on Facebook

One thing I noticed is that I do share things on my facebook timeline but actually did not pay attention to the fact that we can share things directly to our Avon business page. The center gives us the option of sharing on our wall as well as on a page that we manage. If representatives happen to manage more than one page on facebook, they can share to their other pages. This does not include sharing to groups. Visit to create a facebook account.

Sharing on Twitter

Representatives that have Twitter accounts can tweet directly from the center. Now here is something that I want to suggest. I have my facebook timeline linked to my Twitter account. This way whenever I tweet my tweets automatically post on facebook. This helps me to post ads in more than one place at the same time.

How do I do this?

Go to your Twitter account. Click on your profile photo then from the down drop click on privacy and settings. Next on the left side of the screen click on apps. Now you can add your facebook account. I also have my Instagram page linked. You are all set! If you do not have a Twitter account visit -

Sharing on Google Plus

Sharing on Google Plus is super easy. All you would need to do is click the share button. If you do not have a Google Plus account, you can create one here.

Sharing on Pinterest

I enjoy sharing on Pinterest most because Pinterest allows users to create boards. What i've done is create boards for the different types of products that our company offers.  For example I have a new board just for wellness products. I have a board just for jewelry etc...This helps me stay organized and if a person only wants to purchase makeup, they can shop from my makeup board.

Here's a few more tips for increasing sales using the social media center.

In all that you do try to be consistent. I strongly believe that what a person puts into something is what they will get out of it. Try sharing on social media at least three to four times a week. I would't flood a facebook wall with too many ads. Sometimes this runs people off. Try posting on your wall at least two days out of the week and every day on your business page. There are even facebook groups that ads can be posted in. 

Lastly here's a great idea. Do you have an email list. Do you blog? You could blog about the things in the social media center and share the links within your blog or emails. Try sending out emails to your clients that you haven't heard from for a while. People enjoy makeup tips. I notice that we have some great videos. I've even created a Pinterest board titled makeup tips and shared the videos. Make sure you use the Twitter links to share on your blog or withing your emails. 

So I hope the things i've shared will help you work on using your social media center a little bit more to promote your Avon business.

Visit you log-in - click on web office then social media center. 

I've got a few other tips that may help you increase sales on social media. Visit here:

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