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Friday, December 30, 2022

Sell Makeup for Valentine's Day

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Hi Representatives, I hope you all are having a Happy Holiday Season! Christmas is gone and a New Year is around the corner. This means it's time to think about "How to Sell Makeup" for the next Holiday which will be Valentine's Day. It's not too early to start planning and taking orders. I notice that campaign 1 AVON brochure has some amazing Valentine's Day gifts. 

Here are a few ways to jumpstart your sales.

1. Call your family, friends, and clients. Let them know that you are taking orders for Valentine's Day. Share with them some of the amazing gifts that we are offering. 

2. Make gift baskets and sets - I've even purchased mugs from Dollar Tree to sell AVON gifts inexpensively. If you have left-over bows from Christmas, use them. You can even find mugs at thrift shops and yard sales. Just make sure they are like new and properly sanitized.

3. Take photos of the gifts and share them on social media. You can also text and email them to clients along with the upcoming campaign 1 electronic AVON brochure. Be creative when making the gifts.

4. Lastly, create Valentine's Day flyers to share on social media. Screenshot pages from our brochure and create a photo collage highlighting products specifically for Valentine's Day. Share them on facebook by uploading 5 to 7 screenshots in a single post. Tip: Make sure when you are marketing on social media that your photos are very large and make sure that you include links for those products.

Well, that's all for today! I hope my latest post Sell Makeup for Valentine's Day is Helpful!

If you haven't, join The Avon Network Tips & Resources. (2) The Avon Network/Tips & Resources | Facebook

Thank so much for visiting! Happy Selling!

Want to increase sales for Valentine's Day? Check out the new pintable bundle I created here.

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