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Monday, December 12, 2022

Why You May Not Have AVON Customers

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I Joined Avon but I don't have any clients.

If this is you, you are not alone but no worries, there is hope. There could be a few reasons why and I hope to share a few things today that can help you get new customers. The first thing I would like to do is identify why you don't have clients. Here's a few reasons why you may not be reaching your goals.

You Are Relying on Social Media Only

If you've spent a lot of time marketing on social media and still don't have any client's months down the line, you may want to research how to effectively market online. What I am finding out is that some people think what they are doing is social media marketing, but they've got the wrong idea. I really do get it - some are doing really well on social media, but the truth is that some people aren't good at social media marketing. Some aren't even tech savvy and don't want to learn how to navigate through the world-wide web. If this is your issue, you may want to work on marketing more offline. 

You Aren't Passing Out Brochures

Though we have the electronic brochures, we are known for our paper catalogs or Avon brochures. It's so easy to text, email, or even post the electronic brochures online but let's face it, people enjoy the paper brochures because they are tangible. This means you will want to invest in a few for each campaign, then once your business grows start ordering more. 

You Are Not Following Up

You paid for those brochures so please don't just pass them out expecting people to call you. People may not call for whatever reason but if you have their contact information, you can reach out to them. Don't be afraid to ask them if they saw anything in the brochure that they liked. Not everyone will be willing to give you their phone number or email address, but some will. Don't forget to do drawings for give-aways at vendor events in exchange for potential client's contact information. 

You Live in a Small Town

If you live in an area where there just doesn't seem to be any action, you will need to put in some time learning how to become a social media marketer. One of the things that I suggest doing to start is creating a facebook group for your business. Invite as many friends as you can and make sure you are very active in the group. Work on keeping the group engaging by not just posting ads but making the group fun. Even if you live in a small town, you can still be successful. Try giving out brochures to schoolteachers, people at church, people at work, or to hairstylist and nail techs. This means you will need to get out and talk to people. You may even need to be the first to start a small business group. 

You Are Not Consistent

You don't view your business as a real career. You only work on your business every now and then. Remember, what you put into something is what you will get out of it. If you want consistent income, you will need to work on your business consistently. You may not see instant success but if you keep at it, you will get new clients. When you do make sure that you send them an electronic thank you card whenever they place orders. Sometimes it's the little things that help with repeat customers.

You Don't Network

You basically don't know anyone. If people don't know you or what you do, how can they support you?? If you want to grow, you need to get involved with things and events going on in your community. You can even do this online by joining business networking groups. You can even start your own or think about doing Avon parties. You can do them at restaurants. You can do a girl's day out or pampering party. There are so many ways to get out, meet new people, and network.

You Are Shy

You are the one at a networking event afraid of meeting new people. You are the one that is afraid of walking up to a total stranger and passing out a business card. Others at these events may be feeling the same way and someone has to be the first to just start by saying hello and introducing yourself. 

Note that we all want more clients, but please do yourself a favor and play it safe. I don't suggest knocking on doors or delivering orders to people you don't know at their homes. I always ask new clients if they don't mind meeting me in a Walmart parking lot during the day or better yet inside the store. 

Your success depends upon coming out of that shell!

I hope this will help you identify why you may not have clients and be the start of you growing your Avon business.

If you Sell Avon and want to order thank you cards for your business, visit here.  

If you haven't, join The Avon Network Tips & Resources. (2) The Avon Network/Tips & Resources | Facebook

Thank so much for visiting! Happy Selling!

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