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Saturday, March 17, 2018

How to Use Facebook to Market Your Makeup Business

Hello Makeup Marketers. I hope you all are doing well today. Facebook has got to be the number one social media platform. This is where I am most successful in marketing my business. I want to share just a few things that I do that help me be successful.

Create a free Facebook business page or group.
I do not suggest flooding the page of your personal wall with ads. What I have learned in the past is that this just may turn some people away. Some may feel as if every time they visit your page or see your information in the news feed that it's sales pitchy. I recommend posting things on your personal wall but maybe one or two ads per week. On the other hand it is perfectly fine to post every day on a business page or in a group. 

What do I post?
Try posting items that are on sale, new items for sale, and those items that are top sellers. For example the original Skin-So-Soft or the Moisture Therapy Lotion. 

Are you into Recruiting???
Post recruiting flyers in groups titled - free advertising - social media marketing - post free ads - or free classified ad groups. This way you won't have to worry about those groups that don't allow business owners to post ads. This may mean that you will need to join a few new groups. You want to work just as hard as trying to recruit new representatives as you would selling products. Remember to stay consistent no matter how long it takes.

Do you have a Facebook cover photo?
If no one knows you sell makeup how will you sell it? Try creating a cover photo. When you make new friends, they will see your cover photo. In the description area, make sure you add your website address plus you can post flyers in this area. 

Trying doing Facebook live once a week.
Many that are in direct sales are doing this. You could even create a flyer that says Friday Facebook makeup tips or something similar. Be creative and make sure you have a few products to show. Don't forget to always mention the opportunity and your website address. As a rule ALWAYS post your web address with social media ads.

Whenever you purchase products for yourself. Try doing product reviews. This can be done using a personal blog. If you sell Avon, you can also do this on your website by using your blog feature. You may want to do video reviews on Facebook and other social media platforms. Your honest opinion helps. If you purchase jewelry, fashion, or clothes, wear them during your video. Try doing a live makeover on yourself or on models. Make sure you let people know which products you are using and share how they can purchase those items. You could even use samples to do this. Include links below the video to those products. 

Well that's all for today! I sure hope these Facebook makeup marketing tips will help you grow your business.

Have a Great Day & Don't Forget to Subscribe!

Victoria Sheffield
Beauty Boss - Business Coach - Beauty Trainer

I've got a few other tips that may help you increase sales on social media. Visit here: 

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Thursday, February 1, 2018

How to Increase Sales Using the Social Media Center

Hello everyone I hope you all are doing well today. Yesterday after browsing my Avon website a bit I sort of played around with the social media center. I've used the center many times in the past but am always looking at ways to up my marketing game. I thought a lot about what i've been doing and asked myself what else could I do to increase sales.

Sharing on Facebook

One thing I noticed is that I do share things on my facebook timeline but actually did not pay attention to the fact that we can share things directly to our Avon business page. The center gives us the option of sharing on our wall as well as on a page that we manage. If representatives happen to manage more than one page on facebook, they can share to their other pages. This does not include sharing to groups. Visit to create a facebook account.

Sharing on Twitter

Representatives that have Twitter accounts can tweet directly from the center. Now here is something that I want to suggest. I have my facebook timeline linked to my Twitter account. This way whenever I tweet my tweets automatically post on facebook. This helps me to post ads in more than one place at the same time.

How do I do this?

Go to your Twitter account. Click on your profile photo then from the down drop click on privacy and settings. Next on the left side of the screen click on apps. Now you can add your facebook account. I also have my Instagram page linked. You are all set! If you do not have a Twitter account visit -

Sharing on Google Plus

Sharing on Google Plus is super easy. All you would need to do is click the share button. If you do not have a Google Plus account, you can create one here.

Sharing on Pinterest

I enjoy sharing on Pinterest most because Pinterest allows users to create boards. What i've done is create boards for the different types of products that our company offers.  For example I have a new board just for wellness products. I have a board just for jewelry etc...This helps me stay organized and if a person only wants to purchase makeup, they can shop from my makeup board.

Here's a few more tips for increasing sales using the social media center.

In all that you do try to be consistent. I strongly believe that what a person puts into something is what they will get out of it. Try sharing on social media at least three to four times a week. I would't flood a facebook wall with too many ads. Sometimes this runs people off. Try posting on your wall at least two days out of the week and every day on your business page. There are even facebook groups that ads can be posted in. 

Lastly here's a great idea. Do you have an email list. Do you blog? You could blog about the things in the social media center and share the links within your blog or emails. Try sending out emails to your clients that you haven't heard from for a while. People enjoy makeup tips. I notice that we have some great videos. I've even created a Pinterest board titled makeup tips and shared the videos. Make sure you use the Twitter links to share on your blog or withing your emails. 

So I hope the things i've shared will help you work on using your social media center a little bit more to promote your Avon business.

Visit you log-in - click on web office then social media center. 

I've got a few other tips that may help you increase sales on social media. Visit here:

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I am in the process of making new Avon videos.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How to Safely Market Wellness Products Plus a List of Places & Ways to Market

I think that most of us are excited about our new line of wellness products. Now that we have this new amazing line, the question is how and where do we start marketing. I spent the morning giving this some thought. Sure we can all work on our health but who needs a health boost the most? The answer is those that have lowered immune and health issues. Where do we find these people and how do we safely market to those people? As a natural health consultant I know the importance of letting people know that they should always check with their doctor before taking anything especially if wellness products will be taken with prescription meds. I've even decided to use a disclaimer when marketing. The next best thing to do would be to print any marketing materials given to us from our company and any important fact information that may answer questions that potential clients may have. For example someone may want to know if the products are all natural. Someone else may want to know the ingredients that are in the products etc.....This is very important due to allergies. We should always check the marketing guidelines of the company and take advantage of free webinars. This will help us to understand the products better and help us learn how to successfully market.

Now that we have that out of the way, I want to share with representatives a list of places and ways that I thought would be helpful in marketing.

Nail Shops
Hair Salons
Doctor's Offices
Massage Parlors
Family & Friends
Host a Health Party
Do a Facebook Party
Find Natural & Holistic Doctors
Search for People That Use Natural Medicine
Build an Email List of Prospects
Use The Products Yourself
Pass Out Samples

To order samples, in the search area of the Avon Representative Log-In site, type in samples. (top right of the screen) The espira calm samples are available.

I hope that this helps you market your wellness products. Choose a few of the things from the list and start working on growing your business.

I hope this helps you >>>> sell Avon <<<<. Have a Great  Day!

Avon Leadership Representative Victoria Sheffield

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Monday, October 30, 2017

Easy Sales Pitches for Shy Avon Representatives

It's taken me years to realize that shy people miss out on a lot. If you are shy, trust me, you are not alone. In fact I don't think anyone is as shy as i've been known to be. Every since I was a little girl i've been this way but I notice that being too shy as a network marketer just doesn't work. I would always admire other people that seemed so self-confident and wish that I could be that way. The older i've gotten, I have just learned to kick the shy habit! I am just plain old tired of being shy. I realize that If I am to take my business to the next level that I should grow in every area.

Being Secure is a Part of the Business

Part of this business is being confident in your skin. So what if you get some no's. Let's concentrate on the possibility of people saying yes. If we never take chances in life, how will we ever find out what's ahead? Part of the network marketing business is meeting new faces and sharing the Avon opportunity and really great products.

Have You Thought About Why You Are so Shy?

For me, a troubled childhood and past hurts contributed to this. Maybe your reason is not so extensive but think about your why and work on ways of reversing this. Maybe you are are afraid of how people will react to you but trust me, most people will react the same way you would. So think about how you would feel with people approaching you and approach others the same way.

Here are Three Ways That I Approach Potential Clients

I really don't do too well at just randomly placing brochures in people's hands. I know that this works at times but I find that other approaches work better for me. I try meeting new people just about every where I go, then start a casual conversation. 

Sales Pitch #1

Start a Casual Conversation

The weather sure is nice today. Then once the person responds I may say something like I wonder how long it will stay this way. Then I sort of just make general conversation but once I realize that the conversation is ending, I say something like - it was nice talking to you. If you ever need an Avon representative or know someone that does, here's a brochure, free sample, and a card. It's that easy and if they seem interested try to get their contact information or a business card if they have one.

Sales Pitch #2

Adorable Children are the Perfect Opportunity to Make a Sale

Children are the apple of my eye. I absolutely love and adore them. In fact my husband and I have six of our own and a new grandbaby. Have you ever been out and about and ran into little cuties? We all have! The next time this happens, compliment the parent. Start a short conversation, and ask the parent if it would be ok to give the child a few treats. Then share a brochure and samples with the parent.

Sales Pitch #3

Grocery Store Talk

The fresh fruit and vegetable part on the grocery store or any store is great for prospecting. I don't know about you but I get so excited when I find a great deal in this section or when I find fruit that really looks great. Try sharing your feelings with someone else in the store. Maybe you could say something like the grapes sure look good today or the mangoes are a good price today. As you strike up a conversation, the rest should be history.


I know that if you are much like me, you may enjoy keeping to yourself but remember that getting to know new people is just part of the process. Besides no one can build a business without new clients. I can't think of one reason why you shouldn't feel confident so get into the habit. You can be just as successful as anyone else. So remember to speak with new people daily about your business, keep sampes and brochures with you at ALL times, and when you have extra money make goody baggies for those adorable children.

Be creative - think about and even write down your own sales pitches. 

I hope this helps you sell Avon. Have a Great  Day!

Avon Leadership Representative Victoria Sheffield

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Monday, August 21, 2017

Earn Money by Helping People Save Money

People enjoy the idea of saving money. The untimate goal of any business owner is to make money and increase sales. The question for every business owner is how can I grow my business. If you are like me, you enjoy a good deal. If you feel this way, chances are other people feel this way too. It's our job to inform our clients and potential customers when products are on sale. 

How Do I Let People Know When Items Are on Sale?

There are many ways to let people know when products are on sale. One way is to carefully study your brochures especially the Outlet Brochures. This can also be done by visiting your website and writing down products that you notice are marked down. Then try texting or emailing clients when you notice products they ordered in the past are on sale. If you are someone into blogging, you can create and share products that are on sale. Be sure to include the original price and the sale price so that people can see how much money they are saving. You can even create your own newsletter and share with your clients weekly or monthly deals (just like a sales paper.) Try using an automated system like Aweber if you are someone with a large email list. This will help you save a lot of time.

Try to do a little research and pay close attention to stores in your area or other businesses that you know are good at informing their custmers about their latest deals. Use some of their ideas and sort of reinvent the wheel. Now if you create your own sales paper or newletter remember to stay consistent because once you start start sharing deals people will look for them. 

Thanks you so much for visiting my blog. I hope this helps you think about how you can grow your business and help people save money.

Victoria Sheffield – Leadership Avon Sales Representative

View My Whole Blog Here

If you are someone that would like to earn money selling Avon, visit - make sure you use my reference code: vsheffield or visit to sign-up - we offer a free website and training - no mandatory facials, monthly quotas, stock, or door-to-door unless you want to.

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I am in the process of making new Avon videos.

Earn Money by Helping People Save Money - is Copyrighted Material by Jeru Publications

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How to Accept Credit or Debit Card Payments

Hello there I hope all makeup marketers are doing well today. I decided to write this blog post after reading a question posted in the Avon Network/Tips & Resources group on facebook. The question was......

"Does anyone take credit card payments from their customers? How do you do it?" 

Most of the products that I purchase for resale I accept cash payments. There are those rare times when someone wants to pay with a debit or credit card. When this happens, I want to share how I collect money from those clients. This can be done in a few ways.

Some use a small device on their cell phone from a company called Square. There are two ways to use their services. You can sign up for the free device or send a link to your clients. They can also be sent a money request or invoice. If you are interested in accepting debit or credit car payments, you can get started here free today. Get Your Free Square Reader Here

Using Square is very similar to
using Paypal. If you have clients that you'd like to create an invoice for, paypal will allow you to do this. Invoices can also be created using Square. Get a free paypal account here. Set up your link through paypal here. I really like the link idea better because a person can pay any amount without the need to create an invoice. 

I hope this helps anyone who is interested in taking credit or debit card payments.

Thanks so much for visiting! 

If you are someone that would like to earn money selling Avon, visit sell avon - Low Low startup fee - we offer a free website and training - no mandatory facials, monthly quotas, stock, or door-to-door unless you want to.

We have a great support system! My team is growing! 

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I am in the process of making new Avon videos.

How to Accept Credit or Debit Card Payments - is Copyrighted Material by Jeru Publications

Sunday, June 4, 2017

How to Sell More Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil

It's that time of the year and we all know that the bugs are near. Many use the oil for its positive effects on repelling bugs. Avon Skin-So-Soft has been used for adding moisture to the skin while bathing. People with extra dry skin can use it to moisturize the skin the same way they would use body lotion or cream. There are tons of ways to use it and you want to share with your clients how they can benefit from the many uses.

Education is Power!

Here are a few ways Skin-So-Soft Bath Oil can be used. 
Create a Flyer & Share This With Potential Clients.

Massage Oil
Mildly Fragrant
Makeup Removal
Soothes Light Sun Burn
Removes Crayon Marks
Helps Eliminate Psoriasis
Removes Spots From Carpet
Helps Heal Dry Cracked Skin
Removes Bubble Gum From Hair

*Disclaimer - Avon Does Not Endorse The Use of This Product Being Used Any Way Other Than Bath Oil

Make Your Own Skin-So-Soft Samples

What a great way to get people to try this product! Here are two things you can do today. You can purchase trial size bottles from Amazon or Dollar tree. Either give them away or sell them for $1.00 or $2.00 a bottle. Eventually your clients will want to purchase large bottles. Some dollar stores even sell the small spray bottles. This is a easy way to get the money back you paid for your product and maybe even earn a few pennies. This is excellent for people that can not afford to purpose the larger bottles. Make the bottles look more professional by creating labels for the bottles. You could even add your reorder information to the labels.

Use the Samples or Trial Sizes as Party Favors or for Gifts

Make a cute little basket and pass them out at baby showers, bridal showers, or birthday parties. They can be added to graduation gift bags, anniversary, or wedding gift bags & more.

Bonus Tip

How about giving them to clients that make a lot of purchases or as thank you gifts. Take a few to networking or any type of events. Don't forget to take an Avon Daily Planner so that you can write down the names and phone numbers of the people you gave samples to. This way you can follow-up in a week to see how they liked the bath oil.

If you're an Avon Rep. and would like preprinted labels for your trial size Skin-So-Soft visit here

I hope this helps you sell more Avon Skin-So-Soft.

 Thanks so much for visiting! 

If you are someone that would like to earn money selling Avon, visit - make sure you use my reference code: vsheffield or visit to sign-up - we offer a free website and training - no mandatory facials, monthly quotas, stock, or door-to-door unless you want to.

We have a great support system! My team is growing! 

I would love to have you aboard (Wealth Generators)

Maybe you just want to browse my website or join there also -

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How to Sell More Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil - is Copyrighted Material by Jeru Publications