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Saturday, December 30, 2023

How to Grow Stronger Nails

By Beauty Blogger Independent Avon Sales Representative Victora Sheffield -

Growing stronger nails takes time and dedication. Not everyone will have long nails but with proper care, nails will grow. Lack of nutrition and improper care of nails both contribute to unhealthy nails. Being consistent using proper nail care techniques will help the nails grow healthy and strong.

Use a Licensed Manicurist

If you are someone that chooses to have a manicurist to take care of your nails, make sure she or he is licensed. This can be done by taking a look to see if their license is posted close by their work area. There are proper techniques that licensed individuals should be taking for example - not using the same supplies on clients without sterilizing them. If you are someone that notices that this is not the case, simply try visiting another shop.

Nutrition For Healthy Nails

Eating healthy plays a major role in how to grow strong nails. When iron levels are low nails tend to soften. Low biotin levels may cause brittle nails. Taking 30 micrograms daily will help make nails stronger. Salmon, liver, and eggs are all sources of biotin.

White spots on the nails may be an indication of zinc or calcium deficiency. Taking 1,000 milligrams to 1,200 milligrams for adults is the recommended daily amount for healthy nails. Orange juice, milk, and leafy green vegetables like greens and broccoli are also great sources for calcium.

How to Polish Nails Properly

Start by making sure the hands and nails are clean. Orange wood sticks can be used to clean under the nails. Nail polish that is not too old should be used to prevent clumping and longer drying time. To maintain a longer wear, a top-coat and base coat should be used. Three strokes should be used. The center of the nail should be polished first then both sides.

How to File Your Nails Properly

The way that most people file nails in a swaying back and forward position is not the correct way. This can damage the nails. The correct way would be to start on either corner making short strokes in the same direction towards the top of the nail. Then file the top of the nail. For best results try using crystal files. They cost a bit more than emery files, but they last longer are gentler on nails minimizing split nails.

How to Care for Damaged Nails

There are several ways that nails can become damaged. Nails can become cracked or torn by trauma. Nails can also be discolored by nail fungus or disorders.

Caring For Nails That Are Cracked or Broken

Nails that are cracked should be carefully clipped and filed. Care must be given not to trim the nail down too far especially if the nail is damaged close to the finger. Once the nail is trimmed down, it should be filed and buffed so that the nail does not have any sharp edges.

Caring For Nails That Have Nail Fungus

Professional manicurist should not render services to clients that have any type of nail disorder that can be transferable. Prior to offering services the manicurist will analyze the hand or foot and nails then may recommend that the client sees a doctor.

Until a doctor is seen, the nails should be kept clean and dry. There are over the counter products that will help rid the nails of fungus however if no visible results are seen within a couple of weeks, then a physician should be seen. Prolonging treatment may result in loss or further damage of the entire nail.

How to Take Care of Your Cuticles

Cuticles should be kept soft and conditioned by using cuticle oil or lotion. Clipping cuticles is not necessary but if one desires caution must be taken when trimming cuticles too close to the skin. The cuticle can be pushed back with an orangewood stick gently just a little to help promote faster nail growth.

The Difference in Tops Coats & Base Coats

Some seem to think the two are pretty much the same, but they aren't. The base coat is used to protect the nails from pigments in the polish. The pigments may cause nails to turn yellow. The top-coat is much shinier and is used to seal and protect the polish.

Growing stronger healthier nails is not hard to do. Nails come in different lengths, shapes, & sizes, but anyone can have healthier nails. In time, with proper care using the right products, nails will grow longer and stronger.

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My facebook VIP group for customers- (15) Rock Your Avon VIP Group! | Facebook

How to Grow Stronger Nails is Copyrighted Material. Do me a favor and share this on social media - thanks!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

AVON Winter Fashion Fixes


Beauty & Fashion Blogger Victoria Sheffield

This eye-catching plaid cape caught my eyes as I strolled through the AVON Fashion tab on my website.  As the weather changes here in the South this trendy item is just what I need to wake up my winter wardrobe. Not to mention the colors are great for the festive Christmas holidays. If you are someone with a large mid-section it can be wonders in terms of covering up those areas. It can be worn casual or dressy with your favorite pair of jeans or pants. Add a pair of winter boots or even a pair of red pumps to spice up the look.

Other Features:
It's Snug
Soft Fuzzy Collar
Available in Small & Large Sizes

Order Today and Receive free shipping by using code (shipday25)
@ checkout. 

Check out other Avon fashion items here - fashion by AVON

Start your own business today for free or receive a $30 starter kit which I highly recommend. People will order products from your website but if you start with a kit, you can start immediately selling from your personal inventory.

Thanks for visiting!

Independent AVON representative Victoria Sheffield
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My private group for my customers - (3) Rock Your Avon VIP Group! | Facebook

Monday, February 13, 2023

Scripts to Help AVON Representatives Grow

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Hi there beauty bosses! I hope that you all are doing well today. I have something I want to share with you. I've been working a lot the past week on recruiting new representatives as well as working on getting new clients. I spend a lot of time on social media and also am working on increasing online sales. I notice that some do better when they sell AVON online, but I have always done better when I sell AVON offline. 

Using Facebook Messenger to Grow Your Business

In working on growing my business I needed a way other than purchasing social media ads to get the word out about my business and to reach more people individually. So, I decided to go underground sort of speak and send messages or scripts to some of my facebook friends and even people that I don't know. 

Growing a Business Takes Consistency

In being consistent for five days sending out five scripts via text, social media messaging, or by email. I'm happy to say that my efforts are working. I have a new AVON client and a new lead. The lead is actually thinking about selling AVON. She's an ex-representative but once she started a new job, she let AVON go. She felt as if in working a full-time job that she would not be able to do AVON. I've decided to show her how she can incorporate an AVON business with her new job to earn more money.

Free Business Scripts

I have a few free business scripts that I want to share with you all. Before I share them, I want you all to know that one of the questions that we as recruiters should ask people that may be interested in AVON is "What's Holding You Back Today?" or What Are Your Concerns?" about joining. It's up to us to learn everything we can about the business so that we can fill in the blanks. So that's a selling tip! Be ready to answer any questions that people may have about joining AVON as well as questions that people may have about the products we offer. 

I Have 3 Scripts That I Want to Share With You All!
Text, Email, or Inbox Them on Social Media.

Script #1

Hi (Name), Want to work online? You can with Avon. We have many Avon Reps who earn thousands online on their Free Avon Online Store. For a limited time, you can sign up for $0! Start working online today at

(Your Signup Link)

Script #2

Hey (Name), Not to brag or anything, but I have the best boss out there—me. I work when I want! I work as much as I want! I make money how I choose online or offline! You can live the Boss Life too! For a limited time, you can sign up for $0! (Your Signup Link) - Isn't it worth a try!?! 

Get your free webstore today!

Script #3

Hi there! My name is (your name here) I’m curious, do you have concerns about skincare? I’m asking because I’m a skincare specialist with AVON. I assist people with a skincare routine catered to their skin-type. Even if you already have flawless skin, I can help you with choosing the best colors of lip-gloss, eye-shadow, foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and all other skincare products including SPF products that aid in preventing skin-cancer, damage to the skin, and signs of aging.

Here’s my website link but reach out to me if you need assistance.


If you find the scripts helpful, maybe you'll enjoy my latest printable. I've been using it to help me with new prospects and it's working.

Learn More Here - AVON Selling Scripts - Payhip


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Friday, December 30, 2022

Sell Makeup for Valentine's Day

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Hi Representatives, I hope you all are having a Happy Holiday Season! Christmas is gone and a New Year is around the corner. This means it's time to think about "How to Sell Makeup" for the next Holiday which will be Valentine's Day. It's not too early to start planning and taking orders. I notice that campaign 1 AVON brochure has some amazing Valentine's Day gifts. 

Here are a few ways to jumpstart your sales.

1. Call your family, friends, and clients. Let them know that you are taking orders for Valentine's Day. Share with them some of the amazing gifts that we are offering. 

2. Make gift baskets and sets - I've even purchased mugs from Dollar Tree to sell AVON gifts inexpensively. If you have left-over bows from Christmas, use them. You can even find mugs at thrift shops and yard sales. Just make sure they are like new and properly sanitized.

3. Take photos of the gifts and share them on social media. You can also text and email them to clients along with the upcoming campaign 1 electronic AVON brochure. Be creative when making the gifts.

4. Lastly, create Valentine's Day flyers to share on social media. Screenshot pages from our brochure and create a photo collage highlighting products specifically for Valentine's Day. Share them on facebook by uploading 5 to 7 screenshots in a single post. Tip: Make sure when you are marketing on social media that your photos are very large and make sure that you include links for those products.

Well, that's all for today! I hope my latest post Sell Makeup for Valentine's Day is Helpful!

If you haven't, join The Avon Network Tips & Resources. (2) The Avon Network/Tips & Resources | Facebook

Thank so much for visiting! Happy Selling!

Want to increase sales for Valentine's Day? Check out the new pintable bundle I created here.

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Valentine's Day Gifts AVON JEWELRY

Monday, December 12, 2022

Why You May Not Have AVON Customers

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I Joined Avon but I don't have any clients.

If this is you, you are not alone but no worries, there is hope. There could be a few reasons why and I hope to share a few things today that can help you get new customers. The first thing I would like to do is identify why you don't have clients. Here's a few reasons why you may not be reaching your goals.

You Are Relying on Social Media Only

If you've spent a lot of time marketing on social media and still don't have any client's months down the line, you may want to research how to effectively market online. What I am finding out is that some people think what they are doing is social media marketing, but they've got the wrong idea. I really do get it - some are doing really well on social media, but the truth is that some people aren't good at social media marketing. Some aren't even tech savvy and don't want to learn how to navigate through the world-wide web. If this is your issue, you may want to work on marketing more offline. 

You Aren't Passing Out Brochures

Though we have the electronic brochures, we are known for our paper catalogs or Avon brochures. It's so easy to text, email, or even post the electronic brochures online but let's face it, people enjoy the paper brochures because they are tangible. This means you will want to invest in a few for each campaign, then once your business grows start ordering more. 

You Are Not Following Up

You paid for those brochures so please don't just pass them out expecting people to call you. People may not call for whatever reason but if you have their contact information, you can reach out to them. Don't be afraid to ask them if they saw anything in the brochure that they liked. Not everyone will be willing to give you their phone number or email address, but some will. Don't forget to do drawings for give-aways at vendor events in exchange for potential client's contact information. 

You Live in a Small Town

If you live in an area where there just doesn't seem to be any action, you will need to put in some time learning how to become a social media marketer. One of the things that I suggest doing to start is creating a facebook group for your business. Invite as many friends as you can and make sure you are very active in the group. Work on keeping the group engaging by not just posting ads but making the group fun. Even if you live in a small town, you can still be successful. Try giving out brochures to schoolteachers, people at church, people at work, or to hairstylist and nail techs. This means you will need to get out and talk to people. You may even need to be the first to start a small business group. 

You Are Not Consistent

You don't view your business as a real career. You only work on your business every now and then. Remember, what you put into something is what you will get out of it. If you want consistent income, you will need to work on your business consistently. You may not see instant success but if you keep at it, you will get new clients. When you do make sure that you send them an electronic thank you card whenever they place orders. Sometimes it's the little things that help with repeat customers.

You Don't Network

You basically don't know anyone. If people don't know you or what you do, how can they support you?? If you want to grow, you need to get involved with things and events going on in your community. You can even do this online by joining business networking groups. You can even start your own or think about doing Avon parties. You can do them at restaurants. You can do a girl's day out or pampering party. There are so many ways to get out, meet new people, and network.

You Are Shy

You are the one at a networking event afraid of meeting new people. You are the one that is afraid of walking up to a total stranger and passing out a business card. Others at these events may be feeling the same way and someone has to be the first to just start by saying hello and introducing yourself. 

Note that we all want more clients, but please do yourself a favor and play it safe. I don't suggest knocking on doors or delivering orders to people you don't know at their homes. I always ask new clients if they don't mind meeting me in a Walmart parking lot during the day or better yet inside the store. 

Your success depends upon coming out of that shell!

I hope this will help you identify why you may not have clients and be the start of you growing your Avon business.

If you Sell Avon and want to order thank you cards for your business, visit here.  

If you haven't, join The Avon Network Tips & Resources. (2) The Avon Network/Tips & Resources | Facebook

Thank so much for visiting! Happy Selling!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

How to Sell More Avon Jewelry

Take a look at more Avon jewelry here: 

I really love our jewelry and want to share with other reps what i've been doing to help me sell more.

1. Sell it In Gift Baskets/Sets

Special Occasions are the perfect way to sell jewelry. Birthdays, Holidays, Anniversaries, and Valentines day are just a few. Do you have jewelry that you just haven't managed to sell? How about adding your jewelry along with other Avon products in gift baskets. My only advice when making gift baskets is not to charge too much or to little. I try to earn at least $5 to $10 per basket.

2. Purchase Inventory!!

 One rule of thumb - when you are financially able, purchase new inventory. The outlet brochure often has beautiful jewelry for sale. Representatives can purchase at sale price and sell jewelry at the regular price before mark down. 

3. Display  Your Jewelry

I heard through another representative that Avon now carries jewelry displays. I am very happy about this. They can also be purchased on Amazon. This is great when doing video or photo marketing. 

Do Video Marketing

Some of the representatives have been successful showing pieces of their jewelry doing facebook, Youtube, Instagram, & Periscope Live. If you are camera shy kick fear to the curb! Make sure you have a few pieces to show and share your email address in case someone wants to place an order. You could start your video out by sharing a little bit of information about your business. Then start showing some of the jewelry.

4. You Are Your Best Model

When you wear our fashion and jewelry, people will make comments. So look your best and be ready to let people know that you're wearing Avon. Do you have a small carrying case? Take this with you everywhere you go. Keep it filled with brochures, samples, and products. I am sure you will make unexpected sales like this. I do! :)

I hope that my tips on How to Sell More Avon Jewelry helps you.

Thanks so much for visiting!

If you haven't join the Avon Network Tips & Resources on facebook.

Visit My Official Website Here: www.youravon.comvsheffield
Find Out How You Can Start Your Business for $25.00
We offer free websites and training.

Free Business Coaching, Business Cards, & Marketing Materials From Me Plus

Facebook Cover Photo Plus Brochures & Products
 In Your Sales Kit

Start Earning Immediately!


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

How I Just Got a Free Place to Sell my Products

We have not because we ask not! Are you a business owner or makeup marketer that would like more selling opportunites? Maybe the opportunities to sell at vendor events were there but were not in your budget. Today I want to share how in less than 5 minutes I got a place to sell my products absolutely free. 

I will be setting up a small space inside a beauty salon. Maybe you are wondering how I did this. This is the exact phone conversation. 

Hi there could I please speak with the owner or manager?
I want to ask you a question about something?
I sell Avon, jewelry, and fashion. I wanted to know if you ever allow people to come in and set up small spaces to sell. I would be willing to give you 10% of my earnings should purchases be made.

Instantly she goes yes sure come in on ANY Friday or Saturday. Whoop Whoop! It was just that easy! I am not saying that this would always be that easy but I've met the salon owner once before and she is super nice. 

She even stated that she needs a product for aging and mentioned that she used ANEW Clinical years ago. So not only do I have a new client but I also have a place to sell my products. I may even give her the product free. 

Never be afraid to JUST ASK because you never know what will happen.

I hope this will motivate you to make the most of your makeup business.

Thanks so much for visiting!

If you haven't join the Avon Network Tips & Resources on facebook.

Visit My Official Website Here: www.youravon.comvsheffield
Find Out How You Can Start Your Business for $25.00
We offer free websites and training.