By Beauty Blogger Independent Avon Sales Representative Victora Sheffield -
Growing stronger nails takes time and dedication. Not everyone will have long nails but with proper care, nails will grow. Lack of nutrition and improper care of nails both contribute to unhealthy nails. Being consistent using proper nail care techniques will help the nails grow healthy and strong.
Use a Licensed Manicurist
If you are someone that chooses to have a manicurist to take care of your nails, make sure she or he is licensed. This can be done by taking a look to see if their license is posted close by their work area. There are proper techniques that licensed individuals should be taking for example - not using the same supplies on clients without sterilizing them. If you are someone that notices that this is not the case, simply try visiting another shop.
Nutrition For Healthy Nails
Eating healthy plays a major role in how to grow strong nails. When iron levels are low nails tend to soften. Low biotin levels may cause brittle nails. Taking 30 micrograms daily will help make nails stronger. Salmon, liver, and eggs are all sources of biotin.
White spots on the nails may be an indication of zinc or calcium deficiency. Taking 1,000 milligrams to 1,200 milligrams for adults is the recommended daily amount for healthy nails. Orange juice, milk, and leafy green vegetables like greens and broccoli are also great sources for calcium.
How to Polish Nails Properly
Start by making sure the hands and nails are clean. Orange wood sticks can be used to clean under the nails. Nail polish that is not too old should be used to prevent clumping and longer drying time. To maintain a longer wear, a top-coat and base coat should be used. Three strokes should be used. The center of the nail should be polished first then both sides.
How to File Your Nails Properly
The way that most people file nails in a swaying back and forward position is not the correct way. This can damage the nails. The correct way would be to start on either corner making short strokes in the same direction towards the top of the nail. Then file the top of the nail. For best results try using crystal files. They cost a bit more than emery files, but they last longer are gentler on nails minimizing split nails.
How to Care for Damaged Nails
There are several ways that nails can become damaged. Nails can become cracked or torn by trauma. Nails can also be discolored by nail fungus or disorders.
Caring For Nails That Are Cracked or Broken
Nails that are cracked should be carefully clipped and filed. Care must be given not to trim the nail down too far especially if the nail is damaged close to the finger. Once the nail is trimmed down, it should be filed and buffed so that the nail does not have any sharp edges.
Caring For Nails That Have Nail Fungus
Professional manicurist should not render services to clients that have any type of nail disorder that can be transferable. Prior to offering services the manicurist will analyze the hand or foot and nails then may recommend that the client sees a doctor.
Until a doctor is seen, the nails should be kept clean and dry. There are over the counter products that will help rid the nails of fungus however if no visible results are seen within a couple of weeks, then a physician should be seen. Prolonging treatment may result in loss or further damage of the entire nail.
How to Take Care of Your Cuticles
Cuticles should be kept soft and conditioned by using cuticle oil or lotion. Clipping cuticles is not necessary but if one desires caution must be taken when trimming cuticles too close to the skin. The cuticle can be pushed back with an orangewood stick gently just a little to help promote faster nail growth.
The Difference in Tops Coats & Base Coats
Some seem to think the two are pretty much the same, but they aren't. The base coat is used to protect the nails from pigments in the polish. The pigments may cause nails to turn yellow. The top-coat is much shinier and is used to seal and protect the polish.
Growing stronger healthier nails is not hard to do. Nails come in different lengths, shapes, & sizes, but anyone can have healthier nails. In time, with proper care using the right products, nails will grow longer and stronger.
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